What Organizations Don't Know About Background Checks

Whether you're just starting in the HR industry or are head of your own company, it's important you understand the anomalies related to background screening and how you can hire with confidence. Chuck Walker, Senior Advisor for Public Safety Management at Sterling Backcheck, opened with an overview of the criminal check process and common pain points you may be experiencing. John Lee, Sterling Backcheck, Account Executive, then discussed anomalies, FAQ’s related to turnaround time, different levels of criminal checks, how to navigate re-checks, and more. 

Learning outcomes: 

  • An in-depth understanding of the criminal record check process ​
  • How to navigate anomalies in background screening​
  • Solutions​ to common background screening challenges

Featured Presenters

Chuck Walker
Senior Advisor,
Public Safety Management
Sterling Backcheck
John Lee
Account Executive
Sterling Backcheck


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